When planning a wedding on a small budget the first on the list to cut off the costs are the flowers and transportation. Hiring a luxury lime could be almost out of question, therefore many couples prefer to have it in one venue. Then, planning a wedding on a small budget should also include the moment you organize it. The fall and winter months are less expensive and the costs also vary on whether you have it in mid-week or at the week-end. There is another solution for planning a wedding on a small budget that would drastically reduce costs. I'm talking about a joint-wedding.
The joint-wedding idea when planning a wedding on a small budget, is usually valid when you have some friends who also want to get married. Though you'll have to make some little compromises, such as a limit to the number of invited people or the, this works great for planning a wedding on a small budget. After all, you'll only be paying half the price for the site, music, decorations, flowers and photography, which would highly reduce the general costs. Though you may feel like losing something of the intimacy of this special day, think how original and funny planning a wedding on a small budget could become.
Last but not least, statistics show that when planning a wedding on a small budget, people are very little inclined to reduce the costs of the outfit or the music. These are considered among the most important aspects of the whole event. In the case of planning a wedding on a small budget those who suffer the most are the service suppliers that are cut off the list. Very often they come up with solutions and very valid suggestions that match well with planning a wedding on a small budget. For further resourceful information and lots of tips you may turn to www.planningadreamwedding.com.

You make some good points in this article. Some of the biggest expenses for a wedding are the extravagants—the limos, flowers, hotels, etc. Holding your reception outdoors can reduce costs. Also remember that the more guests you have, the more expensive your wedding will be; you'll need plenty of food and drink to keep them happy.