The biggest problem with having a wedding now of days is planning one that you can actually afford. With a little creativity, the proper mindset, and work you can have a stunning wedding no matter what your budget is. Here are 7 cost saving strategies that will help you save money on your dream wedding.
#1 Do It Yourself
Evaluate the things that you can do yourself. Don't just say "I can't". You would be surprised how easy it is to make your own flower arrangements, make your own wedding favors, and even do your own makeup and hair. There are lots of tutorials that can be found online for that sort of thing. All you need to do is practice some of this stuff.
#2 Save On Low Priories
Spend the least amount of money on the things you consider to be the least important. For example, you don't need to purchase fancy invitations. Simple invitations can be made very easily all on your own. In fact, you might be surprised by what you can do for a measly $30 bucks with invitations. This rule applies for anything else you consider to be a low priority.
#3 Cut Back On The Wedding Dress
$1000, $1500, $2000, are just too much for a dress you will only wear once. If you don't look at the price tags you might even find that you like the cheaper ones better! You can get a cheaper dress by going with cheaper fabric and shopping for clearances of old inventory.
#4 Find A Cheaper Flower
The best thing about flowers is variety. One flower that is too expensive can be replaced with a flower that is very similar to it for a cheaper price. You could save hundreds of dollars on flowers by going with the cheaper one. It will also help if you think in terms of colors instead of the most expensive type.
#5 Consider Cake Alternatives
At most weddings cake is heavily wasted. Pick a light dessert that saves money instead. For example, cup cake weddings are very popular. If you really want a cake you can go with a foam one just for pictures.
#6 Cheap Transportation
Some couples refuse to ride in anything other then a limo for their wedding. On a tight budget I would recommend you to skip the limo all together. Use someones nice car or rent a nice, but cheaper car. In the end it's really all about getting from one place to another.
#7 Cut Back
Sometimes you just have to cut back on certain things. This may mean less guests, smaller meals, smaller flower arrangements, and many other things. If something doesn't fit into your budget, then just look at ways to cut back on that particular part of the wedding.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_D_Martin